Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills (Back to Basics Guides)

Back to Basics: A Complete Guide to Traditional Skills (Back to Basics Guides)

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Producto de Tienda Mundial Ver detalle

Recíbelo entre: 17 de Junio al 01 de Julio

Garantía: Producto incluye garantía de Tienda Mundial
Elegible para cuotas.
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Cuotas Monto
3 Q134.11
6 Q67.05
10 Q40.81
12 Q34.01
15 Q27.59
18 Q23.21
24 Q18.05
36 Q12.14
48 Q9.18

Cuotas Monto
3 Q132.18
6 Q66.89
10 Q40.23
12 Q33.69
15 Q27.46
18 Q22.89
24 Q17.16
36 Q11.50

Cuotas Monto
3 Q134.11
6 Q67.38
10 Q40.43
12 Q33.69
18 Q22.46
24 Q16.84
36 Q11.23

Cuotas Monto
3 Q134.11
6 Q67.05
10 Q40.43
12 Q33.69
15 Q26.95
18 Q22.46
24 Q17.16
36 Q11.44
48 Q8.58

Cuotas Monto
3 Q134.11
6 Q67.05
10 Q40.23
12 Q33.69
15 Q27.21
18 Q22.89
24 Q17.65
48 Q8.98

Cuotas Monto
3 Q134.43
6 Q67.70
10 Q40.81
12 Q34.33
15 Q27.85
18 Q23.63
    Over 200,000 copies sold—fully updated! Dye your own wool, raise chickens, make your own cheddar cheese, build a log cabin, and much much more. Anyone who wants to learn basic living skills—the kind employed by our forefathers—and adapt them for a better life in the twenty-first century need look no further than this eminently useful, full-color guide. Countless readers have turned to Back to Basics for inspiration and instruction, escaping to an era before power saws and fast-food restaurants and rediscovering the pleasures and challenges of a healthier, greener, and more self-sufficient lifestyle. Now newly updated, the hundreds of projects, step-by-step sequences, photographs, charts, and illustrations in Back to Basics will help you dye your own wool with plant pigments, graft trees, raise chickens, craft a hutch table with hand tools, and make treats such as blueberry peach jam and cheddar cheese. The truly ambitious will find instructions on how to build a log cabin or an adobe brick homestead. More than just practical advice, this is also a book for dreamers—even if you live in a city apartment, you will find your imagination sparked, and there’s no reason why you can’t, for example, make a loom and weave a rag rug. Complete with tips for old-fashioned fun (square dancing calls, homemade toys, and kayaking tips), this may be the most thorough book on voluntary simplicity available.

Envío GRATIS Detalles
Recíbelo entre: 17 de Junio al 01 de Julio

Garantía: Producto incluye garantía de Tienda Mundial

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100% de Compra Protegida.
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Información del producto

  • PID MDk2NDBiNz
  • Número de modelo 1629143693
  • Garantía 7 días sujeto a las políticas de Tienda Mundial

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